Classics Students Blogging

Few academics blog. Even fewer students. Why?

One reason academics do not blog is fear. Fear of offending university authorities. Fear too of getting something wrong. If you make a casual comment face-to-face, and make a silly mistake, it vanishes into the ether. If you make a silly mistake on the Web, it may blemish your reputation for ever. Perhaps this is why Socrates and Aristotle preferred to teach orally.

However, the current generation of students grew up feeling it is OK to hold conversations on the net, so one would expect a few students to blog about their subject. Since starting this blog I received emails from one PhD student in Scotland, whose blog covers ancient world, ancient philosophy and early Christianity. Erlend MacGillivray’s blog is called Didaskelion.

Yesterday I had an email from Victoria Boorman drawing my attention to her blog Diary of an Ancient Geek. I am guessing an undergraduate student. She does not say which college. Recommended for an enthusiastic and fun conversation about studying Classics. Her opening posts invites the reader, ‘Take a look, feel free to send me your thoughts, ideas and suggestions and “aut disce aut discede” (Either learn or leave).’ None of the fear of error and loss reputation, then, which is one of the factors deterring some professional classicists from blogging!

Both those blogs are in my blogroll, on the left hand column of my homepage. I look forward to hearing of other chatty blogs. To be kept informed, rather than just to engage in sharing ideas and experiences, refer to Rogue Classicist, and Ancient World Online, both in my blogroll.

2 thoughts on “Classics Students Blogging

  1. Just a quick line to let you of our blog for our Greek and Roman Classics Reading Group, LEGENDUM. We have just come to the end of our first very enjoyable year. Please do take a look at some the posts (mostly but not all me) and hopefully add us to your blogroll.


  2. Hey! I’m an incoming Classical Studies grad student. I came across this post a few months ago and it inspired me to start my own site.

    Noticed you haven’t posted for a bit, but just wanted to say thanks! I’ve had a blast learning SEO, limited coding and — more importantly — sharing Classics with the world!

    Hope to see more posts someday.

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